Mel Calvert
Mel Calvert is a published author and successful business owner with a long and distinguished career. He has three books published, all with excellent Kirkus Reviews, the gold standard of book reviews. He is also a pilot with over 3,000 hours as PIC (pilot in command), a Veteran of the Korean Conflict and the youngest Regimental Communications Officer in the history of the 11th Airborne Div. and had two personal flying stories published in AOPA Magazine (Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association).
Mel founded Authors Symposium, LLC, a publishing company that offers budding authors an easy way to publish their books with no money up front and a generous 70% royalty to the author.
Calvert was also successful when he was performing a showcase of talent on Minneapolis’ CBS TV Channel 4, The Mel Calvert Show, during which he wrote and delivered commercials on camera that solved a shortage of pilots for Northwest, American and United Airlines. He persuaded the carriers to relax their stringent rules by allowing any person who was qualified physically and mentally to be assured of a job when they completed the stringent training of the flight schools for their commercial license and instrument rating. Mel and his partner Howie Johnson, also of Minneapolis, contracted with flight schools to provide the training.
Bertha's Battle, a lesson in faith and survival
A memoir of one woman’s battle with cancer and her reliance on faith from debut author Kreinhop, with occasional commentary by author Calvert (How I Quit Smoking and Lived to Tell About It, 2014).
After having a tumor discovered in her chest, the author first experienced shock—“I was numb all over”—followed by tears, prayer and, eventually, a kind of spiritual acceptance. (“God had a plan. If I were part of that plan for the future, I would be in it. If not, I wouldn’t. So be it!”) And so begins a personal journey through a daunting world of doctors, tests and chemotherapy. Aided by friends, volunteers and an unrelenting belief in a higher power, the author endures the often painful and embarrassing world of a cancer diagnosis and treatment.

These short tales offer a brief glimpse into Calvert’s career as an entertainer, including how he got started in show business, some of the people he’s met along the way and the different places both in the U.S. and abroad where he’s performed. Anecdotal tales about his life as a performer are blended together with clean jokes, many of which will be familiar to most readers. Calvert even tosses in a little word-game riddle, the solution to which he buries in the text at a much later point. As a proud family man, he includes short sections on each of his children.
First published over ten years ago and offered by Barnes and Noble under each of the four different categories mentioned above, it has been brought up to date with the most current statistics available as well as recent testimonials.
In this excellent book he goes into detail as to exactly why it works and how it prevents the agonies of withdrawal.

As Featured On

Mel calvert Achievements
Mel and Sunny Calvert are the founders of Authors Symposium, LLC, a unique publishing company that offers authors the opportunity to publish their books without any upfront charges. Mel is an accomplished author with three successful books and over 3,000 hours as a licensed pilot. He and Sunny have been international entertainers and business owners for over 50 years, and have met many famous people, celebrities, and royalty. Sunny, with her professional teaching experience and expertise in editing and graphic design, is able to make good manuscripts into terrific ones. Their vision is to provide a one-stop publishing company for new and aspiring authors, as well as experienced writers.
Mel & Sunny Calvert
We were also very impressed with Mr. Calvert’s “Natural Approach.” The only way the system could fail is if the user fails to do the relatively easy but very effective steps!
Cesar M. Ceballos, MD, FAAOS
Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Specialist
Dear Mr. Cavert, I wish to thank you for our help in getting my husband off cigarettes. He was smoking 2 packs a day and would not even look at any quit smoking stuff. I worked with him using your system and I will tell anyone that it works. He has been off for 90 days now and says he doesn’t miss it at all.
D. Gilchrist, Tempe, AZ
There’s nothing quite like genuine, tickle-the-funny-bone humor to help people learn about serious subjects and inspire them to change. This is Mel Calvert’s amazingly successful approach to the deadly addiction of smoking and a timeless guide to – finally – kicking the habit.
Joan Swirsky, Journalist and Author. NYC
My friend,Bertha Kreinhop, tells a story of perseverance and faith. You will meet many other fascinating people as well as you read her story.
Father Bill Farris OFM
I am proud to encourage readers to take the story of Bertha and Earl Kreinhop and make it their own. It is a story of courage over illness and hardship and yet light-hearted along the way with wit and humor. Bertha’s Battle is a journey worth taking.
Reverend David A. Johnston, Pastor
St. John's United Church of Christ, Batesville, IN
As a reader you put yourself in her seat, wearing her hat, basically being a trooper. It’s almost like it’s you making the fight and realizing how important it is to put on the whole armor of God – always asking others for prayers. I’m sure she got those prayers. A riveting and wonderful story.
Dave Jackson
Jackson Artists Corporation Kansas City, MO
Bertha’s remarkable story may help to keep families together and save some smokers a few thousands of dollars each
David Abbot, CEO
Highstrand, LTD London, England